Wednesday, March 11, 2009

1 navel orange

Last night at the grocery store I decided to purchase one navel orange. There is a method to my madness....if I just purchase one, surely I will eat it. I have a bad habit of purchasing fruit beacause it looks so good and so healthy, but never really eating it once it makes its way home.

Like many, I have tried and failed with numerous methods of weight loss. At this point, I am trying to get back to the weight I was when I was carrying another human being. There's a goal! Some women want ot get to "pre-preganacy" weight. I'll settle for what I weighed with another person inside. Hence, one navel orange. Of most recent, I have toyed and played with the "low carb" way to slenderizing. I can be really good for one meal. I mean really good...then it falters. The orange could be in trouble, full of carbs. Now, if I just took one slice, added some diet cranberry juice and then the potato vodka...

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